“You have the power to make the students in your classroom soar. You are a life-changer and a life-builder; you have the tools and the resources to make your students believe they can fly.”
Excerpt from Closing the Attitude Gap by Principal Baruti Kafele
The vision and mission of Lansdowne High School is centered around helping students and staff cultivate their gifts in an environment of inclusivity, accountability and rigor.
We are seeking individuals to join our staff who are committed to creating learning environments that allow students to “see” themselves in the learning, develop an understanding of the power of education, and will provide the academic and social-emotional supports necessary to meet the needs of each individual child.
What current teachers have to say about Lansdowne:
“All of our students contribute something unique and special to our school, and we must encourage our students to find their purpose and reach their goals by offering them our care and compassion and by striving to inspire them to be their best each day.”
“I believe that we are an incredibly diverse community with a staff and administrative team that works intensely on creating an inclusive and safe community for all of our students. We make great strides each day to maintain a level of rigor in our daily classroom lessons that will make not only create great members of the community, but truly global citizens out of our students!”