A few of the parents have joined together and created a Facebook group called Lansdowne Class of 25' - Parents
This is an easy way to communicate with those who do not access Schoology.
Donate to the Class of 2025
Click here to donate to the Class of 2025

Order your cap and gown!
**When ordering the cap & gown use your home address! Items will be shipped to LHS and given to students on the day of Farewell Assembly!!
Mark your Calendars for Graduation: Friday, June 6th at 10 AM at Towson University Arena. More information will be shared as we get closer, including the number of tickets each family will receive.

Senior Banners are ready to be ordered! A wonderful opportunity to celebrate your senior, our PTSA is once again sponsoring this fundraiser. Purchase your banner today at All proceeds go towards the PTSA Scholarship for a graduating senior whose family is a member of the PTSA of Lansdowne High.

Senior Class Meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 19th at 9:45 AM in the cafeteria. If your student is not scheduled to attend school on that day, please have them see Ms. Ghodasara, Assistant Principal, as soon as possible. At this meeting, students will be given their current graduation status based on 2nd marking period grades. Students are considered NOT ON TRACK if (1) they are in danger of failing any courses required for graduation, (2) have not completed 75 service learning hours, and/or (3) have not participated in all state testing. Students will be told that they are ineligible to attend senior events while they are in “NOT ON TRACK” status. Student status will be reviewed at the end of the 3rd marking period and all students will be informed of their status when we return from Spring Break.
Senior Failures and Next Steps: Many teachers were working with students through last week on completion and submission of work for the second marking period. This week, counselors will be reaching out to students and families about options for credit recovery if students failed a course needed for graduation. Please know – there are limited options. Many of our students will be assigned to participate in (1) our credit recovery program AFTER school (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday) and on Saturdays and/or (2) in the Extended Day Learning Program at Milford Mill Academy and/or Woodlawn High School. Please note, LHS cannot provide credit recovery for every possible course for every single student.
Senior Warning Letters are being prepared to be mailed out by the end of this week (2/14). These letters will notify students and parents/guardians about graduation status.

Post-Secondary Plans Survey is now open! We LOVE to celebrate the choices our students have for post-secondary opportunities. College Admissions, acceptance into trade programs, or commitments to the military – we want to celebrate EVERYTHING! As the opportunities present themselves, please help use celebrate your student by completing this survey for us.
Our School Counseling Newsletter is filled with great information for our parents and students. Scholarship season is here! The snow days and days off from school are excellent opportunities to explore and apply for scholarship money. Many of the scholarships don’t even require an essay! Our local scholarship information will be coming soon. Check out the most recent newsletter. Don’t forget about the FAFSA! Students must initiate the process by visiting Parents do NOT have to have their 2024 taxes filed for eligibility. They use 2023 taxes.
Questions? Please direct them to Ms. Nehal Ghodasara, Senior Administrator, at [email protected] or 443-809-1415.