Principal's Message 

Greetings and welcome to a new school year! We have been busy working hard to prepare our students for school year 2024-25! 

This year you will find changes in key positions at Lansdowne High as well as procedures and protocols. I strongly encourage you to read through the Welcome Back edition of the Viking Voice as many of those changes will be outlined in this newsletter.

One of the biggest changes is that Lansdowne High is now a COMMUNITY SCHOOL! We are excited by this designation as it will allow us to find resources aligned to the needs of our students, our caregivers, and our community members. We are going to need your help, especially when we begin our needs assessment and hold our listening sessions. Please watch for communications from the school and Dr. Joy Carey, our Community School Facilitator!

This year we look forward to our continued improvement in academic outcomes for all of our students.   We will be piloting new curriculum for our English courses as well as for our English Language Development (formerly ESOL) courses.   We continue our implementation of the Illustrative Math curriculum in our Algebra 1, Geometry and Algebra 2 courses.  

We thank families for embracing the move towards using FOCUS on a more regular basis to access your child’s schedule, report cards, transcripts, transportation information, and cafeteria in numbers.  FOCUS is also being used for registration for athletics and will allow us to do a much better job of monitoring academic eligibility throughout the school year.   If you have yet to set up your account, please see the “Important Information for Parents” page on this website for directions.  

It continues to be an honor to be the principal of Lansdowne High School and getting to know your child and the community. I look forward to the continued opportunities for us to work together in supporting our students throughout the year.  Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with questions, concerns or accolades at any time throughout the year.  

With gratitude, 

Allison Seymour


[email protected]

  #DoGreatBeGreat #VictoriousVikings

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Back to School Newsletter: Viking Voice Parent Edition (

 LHS Community School Logo

Virtual Learning Day Schedule

In the event of a 4th or subsequent closure due to inclement weather, classes will meet virtually on a 2-hour delay following the schedule below.

Virtual Learning Day Bell Schedule

Students and staff are encouraged to bring home their devices every day in the event that we need to transition to virtual learning.  

Last day to Guarantee a copy of the yearbook is 2/21/25Yearbook flyer

Vikings of the Month


Each month, students are selected as Vikings of the Month to recognize the way in which they consistently uphold the Viking Code of Conduct - Readiness, Responsibility, and Respect

The winners for January 2025 are:
Grade 9 - Glenda Salvador
Grade 10 - Andrew Smith
Grade 11 - Kwame Jackson
Grade 12 - Lindsey Sparrow

Virtuous Vikings of the Month

Each month, the school community will focus on a Virtue that complements the Viking Code of Conduct of Respect, Responsibility, and Readiness. Students are selected as Virtuous Viking of the Month to recognize the way in which they consistently uphold the Virtue of the Month.

The winners for January 2025 are
Grade 9 - Jillona Wooten
Grade 10 - Amaya Williams
Grade 11 - Mirza De Leon-Diaz
Grade 12 - Imeira Dixon

LHS Community School Logo  

Inspirational Educator of the Month

Each month the winner of this award selects another member of our amazing staff to highlight for the way in which they exemplify this amazing profession. 

The winners for the 2024-25 school year are:

  • September - Tom MacDonald
  • October - Steve Heffernan
  • November - Paula Medley
  • January - Cole Beveridge
  • February - 
  • March - 
  • April - 
  • May - 


Support Star of the Month

Each month, the faculty and staff of LHS have the opportunity to recognize some of our amazing support staff.  Though they often work behind the scenes, they are essential to the success of our staff and students.  

The winners for the 2024-25 school year are:

September - Steven Mills
October - Shawntay Arnold
November - 
December - 
January - 
February - 
March - 
April - 
May - 

JROTC Newsletter
Mental Health Support for Students